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Why Should You Buy A Used Car From A Dealer

Why Should You Buy A Used Car From A Dealer?

The car market has been full of ups and downs in recent months not to mention the tough economic times we are all facing. But despite this, everyone at some point will need to buy a car to replace their current one.

Used Car Dealers Vs. Classifieds

Buying a used car from a classified site has some pros and cons. On the surface it meets your budget but there will be uncertainty about the quality of what’s under the hood. Even if you've had good experiences in the past, it's hard to know for sure what you're getting.When you buy from a used car dealer, they have to be licensed by their state and typically vehicles will have been through a mechanical inspection of some sort.

1.  Condition – It's in their best interest to purchase cars that are in good condition to sell to you.

2.  History Reports  – When you buy from a dealer, they can tell you about the car's history. If it was involved in an accident, or how many owners it's had. This will give you some idea of what to expect down the road.

3.  Financing – Coming up with hard cash can be a challenge for anyone these days, and paying someone you just met online gives you little recourse. Most states have lemon laws giving you options from a dealer you wouldn't otherwise have.

4.  Paperwork – Oftentimes, people don't realize that when they purchase a used car from classified ads, they still have to go with the seller to transfer the title. You will also have to arrange your own financing. Most people barely have the time to shop for a car much less deal with all the paperwork that's required.

Why Should You Buy A Used Car From A Dealer

Why Should You Buy A Used Car From A Dealer?

The car market has been full of ups and downs in recent months not to mention the tough economic times we are all facing. But despite this, everyone at some point will need to buy a car to replace their current one.

Used Car Dealers Vs. Classifieds

Buying a used car from a classified site has some pros and cons. On the surface it meets your budget but there will be uncertainty about the quality of what’s under the hood. Even if you've had good experiences in the past, it's hard to know for sure what you're getting.When you buy from a used car dealer, they have to be licensed by their state and typically vehicles will have been through a mechanical inspection of some sort.

1.  Condition – It's in their best interest to purchase cars that are in good condition to sell to you.

2.  History Reports  – When you buy from a dealer, they can tell you about the car's history. If it was involved in an accident, or how many owners it's had. This will give you some idea of what to expect down the road.

3.  Financing – Coming up with hard cash can be a challenge for anyone these days, and paying someone you just met online gives you little recourse. Most states have lemon laws giving you options from a dealer you wouldn't otherwise have.

4.  Paperwork – Oftentimes, people don't realize that when they purchase a used car from classified ads, they still have to go with the seller to transfer the title. You will also have to arrange your own financing. Most people barely have the time to shop for a car much less deal with all the paperwork that's required.

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